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    Monday, February 2, 2009


    Is sometimes,
    a passing reflection in a Mirror...


    1. Hello there,

      I came across your blog when I did a search for people that had similar interests to mine. One of them was "doing nothing" and it matched yours :)

      You have a nice blog and the pictures are amazing.

    2. Hi Subbu,
      Thank you for your comment, a lot of time and love
      goes into this blog and the paintings, it's rewarding to know they have a positive impact,
      Love-Light, Nova Cynthia

    3. Hi NovaCynthia,

      So, what is the difference between poison frogs and tantric sex? size does not matter?

    4. Hmm...Not, what I was thinking sks,
      The Question should read, "What do licking Poison Frogs and Tantric Sex have in common? Answer:
      Both can lead to enjoyable hallucinations during the experience...

    5. Or, Version Two Is, "What do licking certain Poison Frogs and Tantric Sex have in Common?"
      Answer; Both may lead to Enjoyable Hallucinations during the Experience.

      extended reply to
      There are many possible Questions and Answers regarding the likeness's and commonalities of the Two. And your Answer is one that may have a popular following among certain men. Thank you for engaging with me in this Question. Love & Laughter, Nova Cynthia

    6. Ah, I missed the licking part :) I can relate to the enjoyable hallucinations during the experience of tantric sex

    7. Do you use your body for your paintings? I mean paint using your body? they look really great

    8. Hi sks,
      Yes, you can read about my painting process under Body of Light, which is about Activating The Light Body, Rainbow Body or Transfiguration of the flesh body; to name a few of the ways several different Cultures, Religions, and Individuals, such as Tara, Mary Magdeline, Buddha, Jesus Christ of Nazareth have experienced it and expressed it. LL-NC



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